Mahabhoi Sasana Tank

Mahabhoi Sasana TankLat is located at latitude of 20 degree 14’ 07" N., Longitude of 85 degree 50’ 95" E.and Elevation of 46 ft.It is situated on the right bank of the stream Gangua. It is mentioned as a tank in the forgotten monuments of Bhubaneswar. But now it has no existence because of private construction over the tank. Only the old laterite pavements are visible below the structures.

Mahabhoi Sasana Tank

Mahabhoi Sasana TankLat is located at latitude of 20 degree 14’ 07" N., Longitude of 85 degree 50’ 95" E.and Elevation of 46 ft.It is situated on the right bank of the stream Gangua. It is mentioned as a tank in the forgotten monuments of Bhubaneswar. But now it has no existence because of private construction over the tank. Only the old laterite pavements are visible below the structures.