Mai Chaza

Mai Chaza (1914 – 25 December 1960) was a Zimbabwean church leader and prophetess who broke away from the Methodist Church in the 1950s to found her own faith-healing movement, Guta raJehovah (City of God), which was also known as the "Mai Chaza Church". Born Theresa Nyamushanya, she was often referred to by her thousands of followers as Matenga ("The Heavens"). Her church established a large commune where she lived until her death. Although it was influential for a time, since her death her church has shrunk in numbers, but continues to attract sick people looking for spiritual healing.

Mai Chaza

Mai Chaza (1914 – 25 December 1960) was a Zimbabwean church leader and prophetess who broke away from the Methodist Church in the 1950s to found her own faith-healing movement, Guta raJehovah (City of God), which was also known as the "Mai Chaza Church". Born Theresa Nyamushanya, she was often referred to by her thousands of followers as Matenga ("The Heavens"). Her church established a large commune where she lived until her death. Although it was influential for a time, since her death her church has shrunk in numbers, but continues to attract sick people looking for spiritual healing.