Malaita Eagle Force

The Malaita Eagle Force is a militant organisation, originating in the island of Malaita, in the Solomon Islands. It was formed in the early 2000s and soon crossed over to Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands. It was set up during 'The Tension' in the Solomons, which were mainly centred on Guadalcanal, to defend diasporic Malaitans in Guadalcanal and the property of Malaitans that have left the island. Their spokesperson was Andrew Nori and their media reports were entitled "The Eagles View Point".

Malaita Eagle Force

The Malaita Eagle Force is a militant organisation, originating in the island of Malaita, in the Solomon Islands. It was formed in the early 2000s and soon crossed over to Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands. It was set up during 'The Tension' in the Solomons, which were mainly centred on Guadalcanal, to defend diasporic Malaitans in Guadalcanal and the property of Malaitans that have left the island. Their spokesperson was Andrew Nori and their media reports were entitled "The Eagles View Point".