Man Sized Action

Man Sized Action was a post-punk group from Minneapolis. John Leland of Trouser Press described the band as an "unpretentious lot" in the vein of Hüsker Dü who "opened up punk structures with distorted, ringing guitar, some off-kilter rhythms and ... a neanderthal, propulsive attack to fundamentally poppy songs." Influential musician and producer Steve Albini of Big Black called them "one of the finest bands in Minneapolis or anywhere."

Man Sized Action

Man Sized Action was a post-punk group from Minneapolis. John Leland of Trouser Press described the band as an "unpretentious lot" in the vein of Hüsker Dü who "opened up punk structures with distorted, ringing guitar, some off-kilter rhythms and ... a neanderthal, propulsive attack to fundamentally poppy songs." Influential musician and producer Steve Albini of Big Black called them "one of the finest bands in Minneapolis or anywhere."