Manfred Mann's Earth Band discography

The discography of British rock band Manfred Mann's Earth Band consists of 17 studio albums, 3 live albums, 7 compilation albums, 5 video albums, and 37 singles. Manfred Mann's Earth Band have been releasing albums and singles since 1971. The Earth Band was formed in 1971 by South African musician Manfred Mann after the break-up of Chapter Three. Mann formed the Earth Band as a progressive rock group to break away from the pop genre.

Manfred Mann's Earth Band discography

The discography of British rock band Manfred Mann's Earth Band consists of 17 studio albums, 3 live albums, 7 compilation albums, 5 video albums, and 37 singles. Manfred Mann's Earth Band have been releasing albums and singles since 1971. The Earth Band was formed in 1971 by South African musician Manfred Mann after the break-up of Chapter Three. Mann formed the Earth Band as a progressive rock group to break away from the pop genre.