Manitoba Finance

Manitoba Finance (French: Finances Manitoba) is the department of finance for the Canadian province of Manitoba. The Minister of Finance (Ministre des Finances; originally Provincial Treasurer) is the cabinet minister responsible for the department, as well as for managing the province's fiscal resources, overseeing taxation policies, and allocating funds to other governmental departments. Every year, the minister submits a budget to the Legislature outlining anticipated expenditures and revenues for the next 12 months. The minister is also required to submit a completed financial report for the annual cycle just completed.

Manitoba Finance

Manitoba Finance (French: Finances Manitoba) is the department of finance for the Canadian province of Manitoba. The Minister of Finance (Ministre des Finances; originally Provincial Treasurer) is the cabinet minister responsible for the department, as well as for managing the province's fiscal resources, overseeing taxation policies, and allocating funds to other governmental departments. Every year, the minister submits a budget to the Legislature outlining anticipated expenditures and revenues for the next 12 months. The minister is also required to submit a completed financial report for the annual cycle just completed.