
Marangu is a town located in Kilimanjaro Region. it is divided into Marangu East and Marangu west each with its own village, its one of the famous places in Tanzania recognized as one of the main gate for climbing mount kilimanjaro. it is also famous for being a place where Mangi mkuu (Paramount chief) of chagga Thomas Lenana Marreale was born in Lyamrakana Village on June 15, 1915 who ruled in 1952 up to 1961 when chieftains was abolished.


Marangu is a town located in Kilimanjaro Region. it is divided into Marangu East and Marangu west each with its own village, its one of the famous places in Tanzania recognized as one of the main gate for climbing mount kilimanjaro. it is also famous for being a place where Mangi mkuu (Paramount chief) of chagga Thomas Lenana Marreale was born in Lyamrakana Village on June 15, 1915 who ruled in 1952 up to 1961 when chieftains was abolished.