Maravatio shiner

The Maravatio shiner (Notropis marhabatiensis) is a small North American freshwater fish, where it is known only from San Miguel Spring of the upper Lerma River drainage in Mexico. The Maravatio shiner is a member of the Notropis calientis species complex along with the Ameca shiner, the Calabazas shiner, the Durango shiner and the Zacapu shiner, the latter being described concurrently with N. marhabatiensis.

Maravatio shiner

The Maravatio shiner (Notropis marhabatiensis) is a small North American freshwater fish, where it is known only from San Miguel Spring of the upper Lerma River drainage in Mexico. The Maravatio shiner is a member of the Notropis calientis species complex along with the Ameca shiner, the Calabazas shiner, the Durango shiner and the Zacapu shiner, the latter being described concurrently with N. marhabatiensis.