Marc Luyckx Ghisi

Marc Luyckx Ghisi was born 20 April 1942 in Louvain, Belgium. He lives with his wife Isabelle near Brussels.Initially, he studied mathematics, philosophy and theology (Ph.D.) and became a Catholic priest. He presented a doctorate in Rome (Pontifical Oriental Institute), in Russian and Greek theology, on Nikolai Berdyaev's early writings in Russian, since his discovery of Marxism until his conversion to orthodoxy" (Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome).After his marriage, he was for ten years (1990-1999), member of the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission, created by Jacques Delors, where he focused on the meaning of European integration and created the programme The soul of Europe. He had the opportunity to travel a lot and meet worldwide government officials and advisors in Euro

Marc Luyckx Ghisi

Marc Luyckx Ghisi was born 20 April 1942 in Louvain, Belgium. He lives with his wife Isabelle near Brussels.Initially, he studied mathematics, philosophy and theology (Ph.D.) and became a Catholic priest. He presented a doctorate in Rome (Pontifical Oriental Institute), in Russian and Greek theology, on Nikolai Berdyaev's early writings in Russian, since his discovery of Marxism until his conversion to orthodoxy" (Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome).After his marriage, he was for ten years (1990-1999), member of the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission, created by Jacques Delors, where he focused on the meaning of European integration and created the programme The soul of Europe. He had the opportunity to travel a lot and meet worldwide government officials and advisors in Euro