Marcelo Samuel Berman

Marcelo Samuel Berman (born Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10 April 1945) is an Argentine/Brazilian (double citizenship) theoretical physicist, specializing in relativistic cosmology, and a journalist. He is the publisher of books dealing with science, philosophy of science and learning techniques. His field of interest is the General Gravitational Theories and Relativistic Cosmology; he has written about one hundred papers in refereed journals and ten books.

Marcelo Samuel Berman

Marcelo Samuel Berman (born Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10 April 1945) is an Argentine/Brazilian (double citizenship) theoretical physicist, specializing in relativistic cosmology, and a journalist. He is the publisher of books dealing with science, philosophy of science and learning techniques. His field of interest is the General Gravitational Theories and Relativistic Cosmology; he has written about one hundred papers in refereed journals and ten books.