Marcial Gómez Parejo

Marcial Gomez Parejo (Hinojosa del Duque, Province of Córdoba, Spain, 5 July 1930 - Córdoba, 1 June 2012) was an Andalusian painter and illustrator known for his imaginative work and magical realism In his artistics beginnings, between 1949 and 1953, he was influenced by the American comic artist Alex Raymond, creator of Flash Gordon. The panel, he said, began his connection with artistic expression.

Marcial Gómez Parejo

Marcial Gomez Parejo (Hinojosa del Duque, Province of Córdoba, Spain, 5 July 1930 - Córdoba, 1 June 2012) was an Andalusian painter and illustrator known for his imaginative work and magical realism In his artistics beginnings, between 1949 and 1953, he was influenced by the American comic artist Alex Raymond, creator of Flash Gordon. The panel, he said, began his connection with artistic expression.