Margarita (film)

Margarita is a Canadian comedy-drama film, directed by Laurie Colbert and Dominique Cardona and released in 2012. The film stars Nicola Correia-Damude as Margarita, a lesbian immigrant from Mexico who works as a nanny for a Toronto couple, but is placed at risk of deportation when their financial situation forces them to let her go. The cast includes Patrick McKenna and Claire Lautier as her employers Ben and Gail, Maya Ritter as their daughter Mali, and Christine Horne as Margarita's girlfriend. The film premiered at the 2012 Créteil International Women's Film Festival.

Margarita (film)

Margarita is a Canadian comedy-drama film, directed by Laurie Colbert and Dominique Cardona and released in 2012. The film stars Nicola Correia-Damude as Margarita, a lesbian immigrant from Mexico who works as a nanny for a Toronto couple, but is placed at risk of deportation when their financial situation forces them to let her go. The cast includes Patrick McKenna and Claire Lautier as her employers Ben and Gail, Maya Ritter as their daughter Mali, and Christine Horne as Margarita's girlfriend. The film premiered at the 2012 Créteil International Women's Film Festival.