Marilyn Bobes

Marilyn Bobes León (born María de los Ángeles Bobes León 1955 in Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban poet, novelist, literary critic and editor. Bobes began her studies at University of Havana in 1974 and earned a bachelor's degree in History in 1978. She continued her professional life as a journalist working for major news outlets such as Prensa Latina and the magazine Revolución y Cultura. She made her debut in the field of poetry when her collection of poems La aguja en el pajar (published in 1979) won the David Literary Award for Poetry in 1979.

Marilyn Bobes

Marilyn Bobes León (born María de los Ángeles Bobes León 1955 in Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban poet, novelist, literary critic and editor. Bobes began her studies at University of Havana in 1974 and earned a bachelor's degree in History in 1978. She continued her professional life as a journalist working for major news outlets such as Prensa Latina and the magazine Revolución y Cultura. She made her debut in the field of poetry when her collection of poems La aguja en el pajar (published in 1979) won the David Literary Award for Poetry in 1979.