Marilyn G. Rabb Foundation

The Marilyn G. Rabb Foundation, abbreviated as MGR Foundation, is a Chicago-based nonprofit organization in the United States. Its mission is to help at-risk youth overcome social and educational barriers to success. The MGR Foundation was founded by Lionel Rabb, the stepson of Marilyn G. Rabb. The foundation's recent work includes organizing a large youth rally against gang violence in Pittsburgh as well as sponsoring an initiative to "green" urban schools.

Marilyn G. Rabb Foundation

The Marilyn G. Rabb Foundation, abbreviated as MGR Foundation, is a Chicago-based nonprofit organization in the United States. Its mission is to help at-risk youth overcome social and educational barriers to success. The MGR Foundation was founded by Lionel Rabb, the stepson of Marilyn G. Rabb. The foundation's recent work includes organizing a large youth rally against gang violence in Pittsburgh as well as sponsoring an initiative to "green" urban schools.