Marine wildlife of Baa Atoll

The marine wildlife of Baa Atoll consists of marine species living in a circular archipelago in the Maldives, inside the administrative division of Baa Atoll, which is the southern part of Maalhosmadulu Atoll. Baa Atoll was named a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2011. The archipelago has been located inside the UNESCO Biosphere reserve since 2011. Its shallow waters, particularly rich in coral and fish as well as turtles and dolphins, madk a favored place for seaside and underwater tourism.

Marine wildlife of Baa Atoll

The marine wildlife of Baa Atoll consists of marine species living in a circular archipelago in the Maldives, inside the administrative division of Baa Atoll, which is the southern part of Maalhosmadulu Atoll. Baa Atoll was named a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2011. The archipelago has been located inside the UNESCO Biosphere reserve since 2011. Its shallow waters, particularly rich in coral and fish as well as turtles and dolphins, madk a favored place for seaside and underwater tourism.