Marriage Act, 1961 (South Africa)

The Marriage Act, 1961 (Act No. 25 of 1961) is an act of the Parliament of South Africa governing the solemnisation and registration of marriages in South Africa. It does not deal with the dissolution of marriages, which is governed by the , or with matrimonial property regimes and the financial consequences of marriage, which are governed by the . Some issues relating to marriage remain governed by the Roman-Dutch common law because they have never been addressed by Parliament.

Marriage Act, 1961 (South Africa)

The Marriage Act, 1961 (Act No. 25 of 1961) is an act of the Parliament of South Africa governing the solemnisation and registration of marriages in South Africa. It does not deal with the dissolution of marriages, which is governed by the , or with matrimonial property regimes and the financial consequences of marriage, which are governed by the . Some issues relating to marriage remain governed by the Roman-Dutch common law because they have never been addressed by Parliament.