Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors

Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors is a 2018 American made-for-television animated superhero film produced by Marvel Animation, featuring Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Patriot, and others. It is the first of the Marvel Rising franchise and was released on September 30, 2018 simultaneously on Disney Channel and Disney XD. The inauguration of a team of new characters gave Marvel a project that would introduce to the public some of the lesser known characters within the universe.

Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors

Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors is a 2018 American made-for-television animated superhero film produced by Marvel Animation, featuring Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Patriot, and others. It is the first of the Marvel Rising franchise and was released on September 30, 2018 simultaneously on Disney Channel and Disney XD. The inauguration of a team of new characters gave Marvel a project that would introduce to the public some of the lesser known characters within the universe.