
Miracleman (Michael "Micky" "Mike" Moran), originally known as Marvelman, is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books first published by L. Miller & Son, Ltd.. Created in 1954 by writer-artist Mick Anglo for publisher L. Miller & Son originally as a United Kingdom home-grown substitute for the American character Captain Marvel, the original series ran until 1963. It was revived in 1982 in a dark, post-modern reboot by writer Alan Moore, with later contributions by Neil Gaiman.


Miracleman (Michael "Micky" "Mike" Moran), originally known as Marvelman, is a fictional superhero appearing in comic books first published by L. Miller & Son, Ltd.. Created in 1954 by writer-artist Mick Anglo for publisher L. Miller & Son originally as a United Kingdom home-grown substitute for the American character Captain Marvel, the original series ran until 1963. It was revived in 1982 in a dark, post-modern reboot by writer Alan Moore, with later contributions by Neil Gaiman.