Mary Emmons

Mary Emmons (c. 1760 – c. 1832), also known as Eugénie Beauharnais, was an Indian woman born in Calcutta who worked as a servant in the household of Theodosia Prevost Burr. While working as a servant, she had a relationship with Burr's second husband, American Founding Father and Vice President Aaron Burr, by whom she had two children: a daughter, Louisa Charlotte, born 1788, and a son, John Pierre Burr, born 1792. Before coming to the United States, Emmons worked in Haiti. Her origin from the Indian subcontinent made her one of the first Indian Americans in the country.

Mary Emmons

Mary Emmons (c. 1760 – c. 1832), also known as Eugénie Beauharnais, was an Indian woman born in Calcutta who worked as a servant in the household of Theodosia Prevost Burr. While working as a servant, she had a relationship with Burr's second husband, American Founding Father and Vice President Aaron Burr, by whom she had two children: a daughter, Louisa Charlotte, born 1788, and a son, John Pierre Burr, born 1792. Before coming to the United States, Emmons worked in Haiti. Her origin from the Indian subcontinent made her one of the first Indian Americans in the country.