Mas'ud ibn Idris

Mas‘ūd ibn Idrīs ibn Ḥasan ibn Abī Numayy (Arabic: مسعود بن إدريس بن حسن بن أبي نمي‎) was Emir of Mecca and ruler of the Hejaz from 1629 to 1630. Kansuh Pasha, governor of Yemen, installed Mas'ud as Emir on Sunday, 5 Safar 1039 (23 September 1629), after executing Ahmad ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Mas'ud died in Mecca of tuberculosis on Tuesday night, 28 Rabi II 1040 AH (the night of 2–3 December 1630). His funeral prayer was performed in the Masjid al-Haram, and he was buried in the qubba of Khadijah. The year of his death is recorded numerically in the poet's verse:

Mas'ud ibn Idris

Mas‘ūd ibn Idrīs ibn Ḥasan ibn Abī Numayy (Arabic: مسعود بن إدريس بن حسن بن أبي نمي‎) was Emir of Mecca and ruler of the Hejaz from 1629 to 1630. Kansuh Pasha, governor of Yemen, installed Mas'ud as Emir on Sunday, 5 Safar 1039 (23 September 1629), after executing Ahmad ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Mas'ud died in Mecca of tuberculosis on Tuesday night, 28 Rabi II 1040 AH (the night of 2–3 December 1630). His funeral prayer was performed in the Masjid al-Haram, and he was buried in the qubba of Khadijah. The year of his death is recorded numerically in the poet's verse: