Mass media in France

Compared to other European nations, the French are not avid newspaper readers, citing only 164 adults out of every 1000 as newspaper readers. The French press was healthiest in the aftermath of World War II. A year after the end of the war, 28 papers had a combined circulation of about 7 million. However, seven years later that figure had been nearly halved. This decline was principally due to the greater popularity of the broadcast media and the subsequent diversion of advertising revenues. Since 2000 newly produced free papers have further weakened the established press. Still, 80 daily papers remain, and there are a wide range of weeklies, many of which now feature internet sites.

Mass media in France

Compared to other European nations, the French are not avid newspaper readers, citing only 164 adults out of every 1000 as newspaper readers. The French press was healthiest in the aftermath of World War II. A year after the end of the war, 28 papers had a combined circulation of about 7 million. However, seven years later that figure had been nearly halved. This decline was principally due to the greater popularity of the broadcast media and the subsequent diversion of advertising revenues. Since 2000 newly produced free papers have further weakened the established press. Still, 80 daily papers remain, and there are a wide range of weeklies, many of which now feature internet sites.