Mastère spécialisé

The Mastère Spécialisé, also called the Specialized Master or Advanced Master is a French post-graduate specialization degree created in 1986 by the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles.It is a full-time, one-year program (75 ECTS) which includes formal teaching (in French or English), an internship, and the preparation of an individual thesis. It is usually aimed at young professionals who already have a master's degree, but would like either to specialise or expand their knowledge and experience in a domain where the private sector has identified a real need.

Mastère spécialisé

The Mastère Spécialisé, also called the Specialized Master or Advanced Master is a French post-graduate specialization degree created in 1986 by the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles.It is a full-time, one-year program (75 ECTS) which includes formal teaching (in French or English), an internship, and the preparation of an individual thesis. It is usually aimed at young professionals who already have a master's degree, but would like either to specialise or expand their knowledge and experience in a domain where the private sector has identified a real need.