Material nonimplication

Material nonimplication or abjunction (Latin ab = "from", junctio =–"joining") is the negation of material implication. That is to say that for any two propositions and , the material nonimplication from to is true if and only if the negation of the material implication from to is true. This is more naturally stated as that the material nonimplication from to is true only if is true and is false. It may be written using logical notation as , , or "Lpq" (in Bocheński notation), and is logically equivalent to , and .

Material nonimplication

Material nonimplication or abjunction (Latin ab = "from", junctio =–"joining") is the negation of material implication. That is to say that for any two propositions and , the material nonimplication from to is true if and only if the negation of the material implication from to is true. This is more naturally stated as that the material nonimplication from to is true only if is true and is false. It may be written using logical notation as , , or "Lpq" (in Bocheński notation), and is logically equivalent to , and .