Materiality turn

The materiality turn in organization studies is the theoretical movement emphasizing objects, instruments and embodiments involved in organizations and organizing (theoretical debate [1]) and the ontologies underpinnings theories about organizations and organizing, what deeply 'matters' in the study of organizations and organizing (e.g. structures, agency, intentionallity, process, movements, relations, networks, entities, substance, technologies, semiosis, etc.) (ontological debate[2]) (see e.g. Latour, 2007; de Vaujany and Mitev, 2016).

Materiality turn

The materiality turn in organization studies is the theoretical movement emphasizing objects, instruments and embodiments involved in organizations and organizing (theoretical debate [1]) and the ontologies underpinnings theories about organizations and organizing, what deeply 'matters' in the study of organizations and organizing (e.g. structures, agency, intentionallity, process, movements, relations, networks, entities, substance, technologies, semiosis, etc.) (ontological debate[2]) (see e.g. Latour, 2007; de Vaujany and Mitev, 2016).