
The Mazaro (spelt also as Màzaro) is a river in Sicily, Italy. The Mazaro river flows 28 kilometres (17 mi) across south-western Sicily, from its source in Rapicaldo, located within the Salemi city boundaries, to the Mediterranean Sea in Mazara del Vallo. It is a historically important river which has provided water and farming for the people living around it for centuries. The Greeks and Muslims used the river for water to supply their armies in Sicily. The river is shallow. It is a river connected to the Mediterranean Sea.


The Mazaro (spelt also as Màzaro) is a river in Sicily, Italy. The Mazaro river flows 28 kilometres (17 mi) across south-western Sicily, from its source in Rapicaldo, located within the Salemi city boundaries, to the Mediterranean Sea in Mazara del Vallo. It is a historically important river which has provided water and farming for the people living around it for centuries. The Greeks and Muslims used the river for water to supply their armies in Sicily. The river is shallow. It is a river connected to the Mediterranean Sea.