Meet Sexton Blake!

Meet Sexton Blake! is a 1945 British supporting feature drama film directed by John Harlow and starring David Farrar, Manning Whiley, Dennis Arundell, and John Varley. It was one of two films in which David Farrar played Sexton Blake, the other being The Echo Murders (1945), both directed by John Harlow. Important documents are stolen from a dead man during an air raid, and the War Office call in Sexton Blake to investigate.

Meet Sexton Blake!

Meet Sexton Blake! is a 1945 British supporting feature drama film directed by John Harlow and starring David Farrar, Manning Whiley, Dennis Arundell, and John Varley. It was one of two films in which David Farrar played Sexton Blake, the other being The Echo Murders (1945), both directed by John Harlow. Important documents are stolen from a dead man during an air raid, and the War Office call in Sexton Blake to investigate.