
In evolutionary biology, megatrajectories are the major evolutionary milestones and directions in the evolution of life. Posited by A. H. Knoll and Richard K. Bambach in their 2000 collaboration, "Directionality in the History of Life," Knoll and Bamback argue that, in consideration of the problem of progress in evolutionary history, a middle road that encompasses both contingent and convergent features of biological evolution may be attainable through the idea of the megatrajectory: According to Knoll and Bambach, the six megatrajectories outlined by biological evolution thus far are:


In evolutionary biology, megatrajectories are the major evolutionary milestones and directions in the evolution of life. Posited by A. H. Knoll and Richard K. Bambach in their 2000 collaboration, "Directionality in the History of Life," Knoll and Bamback argue that, in consideration of the problem of progress in evolutionary history, a middle road that encompasses both contingent and convergent features of biological evolution may be attainable through the idea of the megatrajectory: According to Knoll and Bambach, the six megatrajectories outlined by biological evolution thus far are: