Megumi Satsu

Megumi Satsu (Japanese: 薩 めぐみ, 14 February 1948, Sapporo, Japan - 18 October 2010, Paris) was an eccentric French-Japanese singer. Megumi Satsu released a few singles in Japan early in her career and then moved to France at the end of the seventies. She was discovered by Jacques Prevert who wrote an album of new songs especially for her. Some additional albums were recorded in the following years with the collaboration of some of the most famous French writers; Roland Topor, Jean Baudrillard, William Cliff and Frédéric Mitterrand (who was the Minister of Culture in France under Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency). These recordings were released in collaboration with famous musicians like Serge Perathoner or Patrick Vasori, to name just a few. With her alternative repertoire, her expressionist in

Megumi Satsu

Megumi Satsu (Japanese: 薩 めぐみ, 14 February 1948, Sapporo, Japan - 18 October 2010, Paris) was an eccentric French-Japanese singer. Megumi Satsu released a few singles in Japan early in her career and then moved to France at the end of the seventies. She was discovered by Jacques Prevert who wrote an album of new songs especially for her. Some additional albums were recorded in the following years with the collaboration of some of the most famous French writers; Roland Topor, Jean Baudrillard, William Cliff and Frédéric Mitterrand (who was the Minister of Culture in France under Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency). These recordings were released in collaboration with famous musicians like Serge Perathoner or Patrick Vasori, to name just a few. With her alternative repertoire, her expressionist in