Melanne Verveer

Melanne Verveer is the executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University, a founding partner of Seneca Point Global, a global women strategy firm, and a co-founder of Seneca Women. She is also the co-author with Kim Azzarelli of the book Fast Forward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose. During the Clinton Administration, Verveer served as Assistant to President Bill Clinton and Chief of Staff to the First Lady Hillary Clinton. Among her duties was overseeing Hillary Clinton's global initiatives on women's rights as human rights.

Melanne Verveer

Melanne Verveer is the executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University, a founding partner of Seneca Point Global, a global women strategy firm, and a co-founder of Seneca Women. She is also the co-author with Kim Azzarelli of the book Fast Forward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose. During the Clinton Administration, Verveer served as Assistant to President Bill Clinton and Chief of Staff to the First Lady Hillary Clinton. Among her duties was overseeing Hillary Clinton's global initiatives on women's rights as human rights.