Melrose Place (season 1)

The first season of Melrose Place, an American television series, premiered on Fox on July 8, 1992. After thirty-two episodes, the season one finale aired on May 26, 1993. Each episode ran approximately 45 minutes in length, with the season premiere and finale being extended to approximately 90 minutes in length. The season was released on DVD as an eight-disc box set under the title of Melrose Place - The Complete First Season on November 7, 2006 by Paramount Home Video.

Melrose Place (season 1)

The first season of Melrose Place, an American television series, premiered on Fox on July 8, 1992. After thirty-two episodes, the season one finale aired on May 26, 1993. Each episode ran approximately 45 minutes in length, with the season premiere and finale being extended to approximately 90 minutes in length. The season was released on DVD as an eight-disc box set under the title of Melrose Place - The Complete First Season on November 7, 2006 by Paramount Home Video.