Mescalero Point

Mescalero Point is a 6,627 foot (2,020 m)-cliff-elevation Point located in the central, (to beginning western), Grand Canyon, Coconino County of northern Arizona, United States. Mescalero Point is 3.6 miles from its closest highest scenic viewpoint, Yuma Point (6,654 ft), located east at Eremita Mesa, at the northeast, overlooking Central Hermit Canyon. (Hermit Canyon, with the Hermit Trail is located at the west terminus of West Rim Drive.) Mescalero Point is in a region of points, at the headwaters of canyons, and landforms below the South Rim. Jicarilla Point lies ~1.0 mile west-northwest, and Mimbreno Point lies ~0.7 miles southeast. Mescalero Point is distinctive because it has separated from the water divide between two canyons, by flat and forested, Diana Temple, which is narrow and

Mescalero Point

Mescalero Point is a 6,627 foot (2,020 m)-cliff-elevation Point located in the central, (to beginning western), Grand Canyon, Coconino County of northern Arizona, United States. Mescalero Point is 3.6 miles from its closest highest scenic viewpoint, Yuma Point (6,654 ft), located east at Eremita Mesa, at the northeast, overlooking Central Hermit Canyon. (Hermit Canyon, with the Hermit Trail is located at the west terminus of West Rim Drive.) Mescalero Point is in a region of points, at the headwaters of canyons, and landforms below the South Rim. Jicarilla Point lies ~1.0 mile west-northwest, and Mimbreno Point lies ~0.7 miles southeast. Mescalero Point is distinctive because it has separated from the water divide between two canyons, by flat and forested, Diana Temple, which is narrow and