Messier 73

Messier 73 (M73, also known as NGC 6994) is an asterism of four stars in the constellation of Aquarius several arcminutes east of M72, a globular cluster. An asterism mainly refers to any bright stars as viewed from Earth appearing to form a reasonably sized, normally published, imagined shape in the sky but is used here in the sense of a loose optical double: gravitationally unconnected stars that appear close in the sky.

Messier 73

Messier 73 (M73, also known as NGC 6994) is an asterism of four stars in the constellation of Aquarius several arcminutes east of M72, a globular cluster. An asterism mainly refers to any bright stars as viewed from Earth appearing to form a reasonably sized, normally published, imagined shape in the sky but is used here in the sense of a loose optical double: gravitationally unconnected stars that appear close in the sky.