Metalworkers' Union

The Metalworkers' Union (Finnish: Metallityöväen Liitto, Metalli) was a trade union representing workers in the metal industry in Finland. The first Metalworkers' Union in Finland was founded in 1899, but was banned in 1930. Later that year, a new Metalworkers' Union was founded by the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The union affiliated to the Finnish Federation of Trade Unions (SAK). Unlike many unions, it remained with the SAK in 1960, when supporters of the SDP formed the Finnish Trade Union Federation (SAJ). Members of Metalli who wished to join the SAJ formed two new unions: the Steel, Mining and Machine Shop Union, and the Union of Industrial Workshop and Power Workers. In 1969, the SAK and the SAJ merged, to form the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions. Metalli joined the n

Metalworkers' Union

The Metalworkers' Union (Finnish: Metallityöväen Liitto, Metalli) was a trade union representing workers in the metal industry in Finland. The first Metalworkers' Union in Finland was founded in 1899, but was banned in 1930. Later that year, a new Metalworkers' Union was founded by the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The union affiliated to the Finnish Federation of Trade Unions (SAK). Unlike many unions, it remained with the SAK in 1960, when supporters of the SDP formed the Finnish Trade Union Federation (SAJ). Members of Metalli who wished to join the SAJ formed two new unions: the Steel, Mining and Machine Shop Union, and the Union of Industrial Workshop and Power Workers. In 1969, the SAK and the SAJ merged, to form the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions. Metalli joined the n