Metrobus (Germany)

The term Metrobus is used for special bus services in Germany since 2001. These services operate in Berlin, Munich and Hamburg as well as Braunschweig until 2015. In general, Metrobuses run more frequent than normal bus lines and sometimes also operate at night. They operate via a more straight path than other lines. Nonetheless they are served with normal buses also used on other lines and can be taken with the same ticket.

Metrobus (Germany)

The term Metrobus is used for special bus services in Germany since 2001. These services operate in Berlin, Munich and Hamburg as well as Braunschweig until 2015. In general, Metrobuses run more frequent than normal bus lines and sometimes also operate at night. They operate via a more straight path than other lines. Nonetheless they are served with normal buses also used on other lines and can be taken with the same ticket.