Mic Conway

Mic Conway (born 15 February 1951) is an Australian vocalist and with his brother, Jim Conway, was a co-founder of the 1970s humour, theatre and rock group, The Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band. Conway also was a founding member of Soapbox Circus and Circus Oz. Conway plays an assortment of oddball instruments, and performs magic, juggling, tap dancing and fire eating.

Mic Conway

Mic Conway (born 15 February 1951) is an Australian vocalist and with his brother, Jim Conway, was a co-founder of the 1970s humour, theatre and rock group, The Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band. Conway also was a founding member of Soapbox Circus and Circus Oz. Conway plays an assortment of oddball instruments, and performs magic, juggling, tap dancing and fire eating.