Michael J. Werner

Michael J. Werner is an American film producer. He studied Chinese in the 1980s and has had a deep affinity and association with Chinese and Asian film since then. In the late 1990s he consulted to the international distribution division of 20th Century Fox from his Hong Kong base assisting that company to build distribution arrangements in China and a number of other niche Asian markets. The successful release in China of "Titanic" – which set box office records there – was one of his particular achievements.

Michael J. Werner

Michael J. Werner is an American film producer. He studied Chinese in the 1980s and has had a deep affinity and association with Chinese and Asian film since then. In the late 1990s he consulted to the international distribution division of 20th Century Fox from his Hong Kong base assisting that company to build distribution arrangements in China and a number of other niche Asian markets. The successful release in China of "Titanic" – which set box office records there – was one of his particular achievements.