Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters

The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL) is a regional professional organization of scholars. Its main activity is the annual meeting (usually March), its quarterly journal of papers (the Michigan Academician), and research news from Michigan universities and colleges. It also awards annually the Kapp Prize for outstanding undergraduate research presented at its annual meeting. The Academy is hosted by Alma College. The Michigan Academician is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal. One issue a year is devoted to abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting.

Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters

The Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL) is a regional professional organization of scholars. Its main activity is the annual meeting (usually March), its quarterly journal of papers (the Michigan Academician), and research news from Michigan universities and colleges. It also awards annually the Kapp Prize for outstanding undergraduate research presented at its annual meeting. The Academy is hosted by Alma College. The Michigan Academician is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal. One issue a year is devoted to abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting.