
Microstays are residency in a hotel room for less than 24 hours, choosing the check in time and length of the stay. Although new to the western travel industry, it emerged as a trend in the World Travel Market Global Trends Report 2013. Under 24 hours bookings became more popular in Europe during a time where travellers demanded further flexibility in their journeys and hotels needed other sources of income, and ways to increase revenue. Microstays provide a way for hoteliers to boost revenues, as they can increase room inventories by selling the same room twice in a day.


Microstays are residency in a hotel room for less than 24 hours, choosing the check in time and length of the stay. Although new to the western travel industry, it emerged as a trend in the World Travel Market Global Trends Report 2013. Under 24 hours bookings became more popular in Europe during a time where travellers demanded further flexibility in their journeys and hotels needed other sources of income, and ways to increase revenue. Microstays provide a way for hoteliers to boost revenues, as they can increase room inventories by selling the same room twice in a day.