Mike Denness and Indian cricket team incident

The incident in question concerns cricket match referee Mike Denness, a former England player, who found six India players guilty of various offences during a Test match between India and South Africa played between 16–20 November 2001 at St George's Park, Port Elizabeth. Denness' decisions initiated protests by the Indian team. The actions of Denness in handing punishments to six players from one team was unprecedented and the matter is still viewed with controversy in India:

Mike Denness and Indian cricket team incident

The incident in question concerns cricket match referee Mike Denness, a former England player, who found six India players guilty of various offences during a Test match between India and South Africa played between 16–20 November 2001 at St George's Park, Port Elizabeth. Denness' decisions initiated protests by the Indian team. The actions of Denness in handing punishments to six players from one team was unprecedented and the matter is still viewed with controversy in India: