Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali

Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. is an Italian transport company. The company owned the concession until 2028 on Milan to Serravalle Scrivia section of Autostrada A7, as well as the concession of the ring roads or bypass road (Italian: Tangenziale and plural Italian: Tangenziali) surrounding Milan (A50, A51 and A52). The company was the holding company (78.972% stake) of , the operator of A36 (Cassano Magnago to Lentate sul Seveso).

Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali

Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. is an Italian transport company. The company owned the concession until 2028 on Milan to Serravalle Scrivia section of Autostrada A7, as well as the concession of the ring roads or bypass road (Italian: Tangenziale and plural Italian: Tangenziali) surrounding Milan (A50, A51 and A52). The company was the holding company (78.972% stake) of , the operator of A36 (Cassano Magnago to Lentate sul Seveso).