Mill Creek, Bakersfield

Mill Creek is a district in Downtown Bakersfield, California. It is primarily a mixture of residential and commercial on the east side of downtown. Since the mid-2000s, the district has gone through major redevelopment. These included, the development of the Kern Island Canal into a walking path (also called Mill Creek), the redevelopment of Central Park, construction of the Federal Courthouse, and construction of several new housing and commercial developments.

Mill Creek, Bakersfield

Mill Creek is a district in Downtown Bakersfield, California. It is primarily a mixture of residential and commercial on the east side of downtown. Since the mid-2000s, the district has gone through major redevelopment. These included, the development of the Kern Island Canal into a walking path (also called Mill Creek), the redevelopment of Central Park, construction of the Federal Courthouse, and construction of several new housing and commercial developments.