Millersburg Christian Church

Millersburg Christian Church is a historic Disciples of Christ church at 100 North Clay Street in Millersburg, Ohio. The earliest Christian Church was a frame structure built on this site in 1859. The brick building was constructed during 1903–04. The lot on which the new building stands (No. 47) was deeded by Jacob and Mary Bodenheimer to John Albertson, Jacob Vorhes, and William Courtney as trustees of the Disciple church and their successors in office forever, in December, 1852 and was recorded August 4, 1853. The consideration was $330.00.

Millersburg Christian Church

Millersburg Christian Church is a historic Disciples of Christ church at 100 North Clay Street in Millersburg, Ohio. The earliest Christian Church was a frame structure built on this site in 1859. The brick building was constructed during 1903–04. The lot on which the new building stands (No. 47) was deeded by Jacob and Mary Bodenheimer to John Albertson, Jacob Vorhes, and William Courtney as trustees of the Disciple church and their successors in office forever, in December, 1852 and was recorded August 4, 1853. The consideration was $330.00.