Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs is a junior ministerial post in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Ireland who may perform functions delegated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. A Minister of State does not hold cabinet rank. There are currently two Ministers of State, who were appointed in 2020: * Colm Brophy, TD – Minister of State with special responsibility for Overseas development aid and the diaspora; and * Thomas Byrne, TD – Minister of State with special responsibility for European Affairs.

Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs is a junior ministerial post in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Ireland who may perform functions delegated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. A Minister of State does not hold cabinet rank. There are currently two Ministers of State, who were appointed in 2020: * Colm Brophy, TD – Minister of State with special responsibility for Overseas development aid and the diaspora; and * Thomas Byrne, TD – Minister of State with special responsibility for European Affairs.