Ministry of Health and Care Services

The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet) is a Norwegian government ministry in charge of health policy, public health, health care services, and health legislation in Norway. More specifically, the Ministry of Health and Care Services has the superior responsibility for providing the population with adequate health care services, including health promotion, based upon the principle of equality and health care services independent of habitation and financial circumstances.

Ministry of Health and Care Services

The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet) is a Norwegian government ministry in charge of health policy, public health, health care services, and health legislation in Norway. More specifically, the Ministry of Health and Care Services has the superior responsibility for providing the population with adequate health care services, including health promotion, based upon the principle of equality and health care services independent of habitation and financial circumstances.