Miniya Chatterji

Miniya Chatterji (born 6 March 1979) is the author of Indian Instincts (Penguin Random House, January 2018). She writes about the condition of equality and freedom in India, in newspaper columns and in her book. She is also the founder and CEO of Sustain Labs Paris. Sustain Labs Paris is a sustainability incubator that transforms large organisations into becoming social entrepreneurs and therefore more sustainable. She is also the founding director of the Fellowship for Climate Action, an international program based in India for climate change solutionaries. She led the establishment of 11 COVID hospitals across India within 6 months, by transforming existing vacant buildings. She was acclaimed for innovations such as building COVID ambulances and mobile COVID testing facilities within an

Miniya Chatterji

Miniya Chatterji (born 6 March 1979) is the author of Indian Instincts (Penguin Random House, January 2018). She writes about the condition of equality and freedom in India, in newspaper columns and in her book. She is also the founder and CEO of Sustain Labs Paris. Sustain Labs Paris is a sustainability incubator that transforms large organisations into becoming social entrepreneurs and therefore more sustainable. She is also the founding director of the Fellowship for Climate Action, an international program based in India for climate change solutionaries. She led the establishment of 11 COVID hospitals across India within 6 months, by transforming existing vacant buildings. She was acclaimed for innovations such as building COVID ambulances and mobile COVID testing facilities within an