Mirash Ivanaj

Mirash Ivanaj (1891–1953) was an Albanian politician, minister and school director, famous for his role in reforming education system in Albania. Mirash Ivanaj was born on 12 March 1891, in Podgorica, Principality of Montenegro, in an Albanian family which had migrated there from Begaj-Triesh region. Ivanaj finished the high school in Belgrade 1910 and later went to Italy where he studied in the University of Rome where he laureated in two branches, in Philosophy-Literature and Law. In 1923 he came back to Albania where together with his cousin Nikollë Ivanaj, published the newspaper "Bashkimi". When the June Revolution of 1924 led by Fan Noli gave the power to the opposition forces in Albanian Parliament, Ivanaj left the country. He came back in the end of 1924 when Ahmet Zog returned to

Mirash Ivanaj

Mirash Ivanaj (1891–1953) was an Albanian politician, minister and school director, famous for his role in reforming education system in Albania. Mirash Ivanaj was born on 12 March 1891, in Podgorica, Principality of Montenegro, in an Albanian family which had migrated there from Begaj-Triesh region. Ivanaj finished the high school in Belgrade 1910 and later went to Italy where he studied in the University of Rome where he laureated in two branches, in Philosophy-Literature and Law. In 1923 he came back to Albania where together with his cousin Nikollë Ivanaj, published the newspaper "Bashkimi". When the June Revolution of 1924 led by Fan Noli gave the power to the opposition forces in Albanian Parliament, Ivanaj left the country. He came back in the end of 1924 when Ahmet Zog returned to