Mishkan T'filah

Mishkan T'filah—A Reform Siddur is a prayer book prepared for Reform Jewish congregations around the world by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). Mishkan T'filah (משכן תפלה) is Hebrew for "Dwelling Place for Prayer" and the book serves as a successor to Gates of Prayer, the New Union Prayer Book (GOP), which was released in 1975. In 2015, CCAR released the complementary Mishkan HaNefesh machzor for the High Holy Days. CCAR also produces a host of print and electronic materials to supplement the Mishkan T'filah book.

Mishkan T'filah

Mishkan T'filah—A Reform Siddur is a prayer book prepared for Reform Jewish congregations around the world by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). Mishkan T'filah (משכן תפלה) is Hebrew for "Dwelling Place for Prayer" and the book serves as a successor to Gates of Prayer, the New Union Prayer Book (GOP), which was released in 1975. In 2015, CCAR released the complementary Mishkan HaNefesh machzor for the High Holy Days. CCAR also produces a host of print and electronic materials to supplement the Mishkan T'filah book.