Mishnah Yomis

In Judaism, Mishnah Yomis (Hebrew: משנה יומית‎ "The Daily Study of the Mishnah") refers to the Torah study cycle in which two Mishnayos (brief collections of rulings dealing with the Oral Law) are learned every day.The previous Mishnah Yomis cycle, the 12th, began on 22 Tamuz 5770 (July 4, 2010). The current cycle began on Wednesday, 20 Adar-B 5776 (March 30, 2016).

Mishnah Yomis

In Judaism, Mishnah Yomis (Hebrew: משנה יומית‎ "The Daily Study of the Mishnah") refers to the Torah study cycle in which two Mishnayos (brief collections of rulings dealing with the Oral Law) are learned every day.The previous Mishnah Yomis cycle, the 12th, began on 22 Tamuz 5770 (July 4, 2010). The current cycle began on Wednesday, 20 Adar-B 5776 (March 30, 2016).