
Misterio (Mystery) is a 1980 Mexican thriller film, directed and written by Marcela Fernández Violante. The film stars Juan Ferrara, as a TV star who blurs reality with the plot of the soap opera he is shooting. Helena Rojo plays Sandra, his co-star, while Víctor Junco is the TV director and Beatríz Sheridan is the screenwriter. Misterio is adapted from a novel written by Vicente Leñero, who adapted it for the screen. The film received eight Ariel Awards in 1980, including Best Actor (Ferrara), Best Actress (Rojo), Best Supporting Actor (Junco), and Best Supporting Actress (Sheridan).


Misterio (Mystery) is a 1980 Mexican thriller film, directed and written by Marcela Fernández Violante. The film stars Juan Ferrara, as a TV star who blurs reality with the plot of the soap opera he is shooting. Helena Rojo plays Sandra, his co-star, while Víctor Junco is the TV director and Beatríz Sheridan is the screenwriter. Misterio is adapted from a novel written by Vicente Leñero, who adapted it for the screen. The film received eight Ariel Awards in 1980, including Best Actor (Ferrara), Best Actress (Rojo), Best Supporting Actor (Junco), and Best Supporting Actress (Sheridan).