Misun-Hyosun vigil

The Misun-Hyosun vigil was the very first candlelight vigils held in South Korea to commemorate and protest the death of two teenagers. Hyosun and Misun were two middle school students who were killed by the U.S. military vehicle, known as the Yangju highway incident. Their death and the reaction of the U.S. government's with the incident made South Koreans go to the street. This 2002 candlelight vigils shaped the national identity of South Korea, created new protest culture of peaceful candlelight vigils in South Korea.

Misun-Hyosun vigil

The Misun-Hyosun vigil was the very first candlelight vigils held in South Korea to commemorate and protest the death of two teenagers. Hyosun and Misun were two middle school students who were killed by the U.S. military vehicle, known as the Yangju highway incident. Their death and the reaction of the U.S. government's with the incident made South Koreans go to the street. This 2002 candlelight vigils shaped the national identity of South Korea, created new protest culture of peaceful candlelight vigils in South Korea.